Let's Redefine What's Possible Together

I empower individuals like you, who are not just seeking change, but are daring enough to step into the person they’re meant to be. You’re here because you want more than the status quo — you’re here to break free from limiting beliefs and turn-down your inner-critic.

Because life’s not just about getting by, it’s about really living your truth and loving every bit of it.

Journal with dream, believe, achieve message

I Totally Get Where You're Coming From

There was a time when you knew exactly what you wanted out of life. You had your vision and a clear life plan for a meaningful life. Or, you thought you had a plan or some semblance of a plan. But life’s a lot more complex than we expect. 

You know you need (and deserve) a life change. But, let’s be real, changing your path is pretty scary, especially with those pesky inner voices. They whisper (or scream) things like “you’re not good enough” or “it’s too risky” or “stay in your lane.”

Now, just imagine if you could quiet those voices and confidently chase after what you want. Embrace every bit of your awesome potential. How liberating is that?

Well, you can have that life. And that’s where I come in to help you uncover a path that’s authentically you.

My Story

Hi! I’m Sue, and I’ve been in your shoes. In case we’ve never met, let me tell you a little bit of my story…

I’ve been an anxious people-pleaser since the day I was born. Add to that a dose of perfectionism and a whole lot of sensitivity. That’s just a recipe for…well, overwhelm. But I had everything under control (perfectionist that I am). 

Or so I thought.

Fast-forward to the beginning of the pandemic, and I found myself having time to slow down and just “be.” After 20+ years, the idea of being overstretched teaching high schoolers, grading at 3 am, and going to endless meetings while trying to juggle my roles as a wife, mother, and being a decent human was just part of the gig. 

No shocking, once we returned to “normal,” I broke. I felt like I was constantly stuck in quicksand, being pulled down by all the demands of my time and energy. I didn’t see a way out because who was I if I wasn’t a teacher?

Through therapy, mindfulness practices, reading and learning, and ultimately listening to my own intuition, I walked away from my job. Without a back-up plan.

But I did it. And it was the best decision of my life. 

Taking a leap of faith to become the person you were meant to be is terrifying — I won’t lie. But the rewards are in the days filled with purpose, hope, and fulfillment.

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. There are always obstacles along the way. Sometimes I make it easily through challenges and other times I need a helping hand. I rely on a community: a therapist, meditation work, coaching, and a supportive family to get me to this version of myself. 

Today, I guide others in finding their way to a life of purpose and authenticity. Because the path is a lot less scary with someone by your side.

Sue Schiller in front of bookcase

Here's How We Make It Happen

The Foundation

Rediscover Your Values:

Through mindfulness practices, reflection, and value-identification exercises, you’ll discover a clearer vision of your non-negotiables to guide your decisions.

The Mindset Shift

Transform Your Beliefs: 

Recognize your unconscious beliefs and how they block you from moving toward your dreams. Here we start aligning your beliefs with your values and build your confidence.

The Vision

Gain Clarity:

Visualize your authentic life with your new beliefs and value statements. With mindfulness practices, visualization, and energy work, the steps forward become clear.

The New Path

Inspired Action:

Develop a plan and ACT! You’ll incorporate strategies and resources to move confidently into your authentic life. And because it happens to all of us, you develop a plan for overcoming obstacles along the way.

Person viewing sunset by water

Ready to step into a life of purpose — a life that’s authentically yours?​

Twilight with palm trees and a lone surfer

Visit our services page to learn how we can work together.