New year, new you (aka time to find my life’s purpose). Sounds familiar, right? It’s January, so it’s a pretty common statement.

And, let’s be honest, we’ve all been searching for our purpose since we sucked in our first breath. We find a path (or one is given to us by our parents, counselors, life’s circumstances), we believe it’s our true purpose, and then we enter the grind of daily life. 

Until we hit that proverbial wall — hard — and wake up to the possibility that there might be something better out there. My wall: feeling so overwhelmed and anxious that going to work made me nauseous. Every day.

But, there’s something better out there. Your wall isn’t the end. Spoiler alert: I’m a living, breathing example of the joy ‌on the other side. And I can’t wait to share what I learned about finding life’s purpose from listening to an interview with Justin Michael Williams. 

Ready for some powerful ideas? Let’s dive in.

What Does it Mean to Feel a Sense of Purpose?

Everyone’s purpose is unique. It’s what energizes you and pushes you to contribute to the world. It’s what motivates you and brings you joy. Your life’s purpose is your “why?” It’s what pushes you to pursue ‌your next new idea or to advocate for a better world. 

We all have a purpose. The bigger question is: Are you living a life based on this sense of purpose?

The answer is probably “no” or “maybe, sometimes, I don’t know?” If we’re really honest with ourselves, a more accurate answer is: “I don’t even know what my purpose is. How do I even find it?”

Why Do I Struggle to Find a Purpose in Life?

The answer probably isn’t what you think. My first thought was, “I don’t have a vision” or “I’m not consistent enough.” 

Or, maybe you simply feel like you’re not enough. Period.

First — stop right there. You are enough. Just as you are right now. In this very moment. You. Are. Enough.

If you’re even remotely familiar with me, I’m all about learning constantly. So, it’s no surprise that I signed up for “The Best Year of Your Life” Summit that’s taking place from January 9 – 18, 2024. First of all, who doesn’t want to live the best year of their life (especially one that’s free)? And, I’ve attended summits hosted by Wisdom for Life in the past and loved them, so this was a no-brainer (and, no, this isn’t an affiliate link: I just love a good summit).

On Day One, I clicked on a session with Justin Michael Williams called “​​Creating a Vision and Why Vision Boards Don’t Work.” Vision boards are a hot topic and are promoted everywhere, so the idea that they “don’t work” struck me immediately — I just broke down last week and created a vision board. Now this person is going to tell me they don’t work? I had to watch and I’m so glad I did.

Thoughts on Why I Need to Think About a Vision Differently

Justin Michael Williams’ take is that the struggle of finding your purpose comes from starting with the vision and not recognizing the self-sabotage that stands in the way. Intriguing, right?

It’s not the obvious things like the overwhelming to-do lists, or the lack of funds in the bank account. It’s what’s in the shadows — the habits that you don’t see because they’re outside your awareness. It’s the small things that keep us from going in the direction that we want to go in.

So, at the beginning, I thought my struggle was that I had no idea what direction I wanted to go in (my vision). I thought that maybe I wanted to be a writer (though I didn’t think I could make any money). I bounced from one training to the next. Once I decided on a vision, I created the ever-popular vision board…which is where I went wrong.

But look at Williams’ question about following a vision: “What direction do you want to go in? And “Is this habit pulling you in that direction or away from it?” 

My vision was (and is) to help people become more self-aware and mindful. Learning and exploring new skills by themselves wasn’t bad. My vision board wasn’t bad. But allowing myself to be swept up in the many different skills, courses, trainings — essentially because I was afraid of actually writing — was pulling me away from my purpose.

And that’s when I got the skin-tingling feeling that I was in for a positive change! It’s time to look in the shadows at what’s truly holding me back.

For you, it might be the time you spend scrolling through social media or maybe it’s your internal critic pushing you away. If your hold-up is lack of time, Williams’ suggestion is to look at where you’re spending your free time — is it pushing you forward or pulling you back. Think about your mindless minutes: standing in line, waiting to pick up the kids, eating lunch at your desk. What could you change during these times to bring you closer to your vision?

So, How Do I Regain My Sense of Purpose?

We’re more powerful than we give ourselves credit for. We have all the determination and strength that we need. We just need to push the inner critic to the side (and maybe tell it to shut-up for a minute). 

If we don’t choose a focus for ourselves and our lives, someone (or something) else will. Our bosses, social media, family, culture — fill in the blank.

The first step, according to Williams, is to give yourself permission to dream bigger than you think is possible. Put your circumstances and past experiences aside. Check fear at the door. Pretend you’re given a magic wand and anything is possible.

Then, close your eyes and stand inside that vision. What does it look like to be in this new vision? Who is with you? What are you doing, where are you at? What do you feel as you stand here? Contentment, excitement, joy, freedom?

While you’re in this vision, look back (ultimately to now) and ask yourself, “How did I get here?” These are the actions that you need to take. We hear about “manifesting” all the time, but to manifest your vision, you have to do more than just imagine a more purpose-filled future. You have to take the steps to get there. So, what’ll get you to that big dream?

It’s about setting intentions, along with taking action steps. Side note: Intentions is my word for 2024 (yes, I’m following another trend). But setting intentions is a make-it or break-it task. You have to know where you want to go and take intentional action steps to see that you get to your destination. And, as Williams says, without a filter of intentions, it’s hard to see if your decisions are good or bad.

So step into your vision of greatness and set your intentions (and actions) to get there.

Walking the Path to Purpose

When we break ideas down to their smallest elements, it’s easier to push fear aside. And I battle fear on the daily, just like everyone else. But in my “best life vision” I’m helping people discover what it truly means to live an authentic, purpose-filled life and brainstorming ways to get there. I’m in community with others to build a better world. One that’s resilient, kind, curious, and self-aware. I’m setting a vision for a purpose-filled, authentic year. What’s your vision?

Need Help Finding Your Purpose?

Finding your purpose isn’t a solitary journey. 

Sign up for the Best Year of Your Life Summit, listen to Justin Michael Williams’ free meditation album, or read his book Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us.

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Even better, connect with me ​​​to uncover what truly sparks your passion and sets your soul on fire. Join my weekly one-on-one or group chats to dive into what makes you tick and how you can shine. I also have a weekly co-working space where we all get things done together — it’s accountability with a dash of fun.

I’m all about creating a space where you feel supported, inspired, and part of a community that cheers you on. So, why wait? Book a free discovery call and step into the amazing person you’re meant to be!